Valle dei Medici
Lagotto Romagnolo Breeder
Lagotto Romagnolo Breeder
Lagotto Romagnolo Valle dei Medici
It’s been a few years, and I was reading our about us page .
What it says there, that’s us! We were at the beginning, but that’s how it all started, and that’s why I didn’t want to replace the page and just do a brief update.
Over the years a few things have changed.
Myself, David (Yuri to friends) and Martina now both breed full time, with unchanged enthusiasm, conviction and passion.
The number of our Lagottos has increased slightly.
We are still a small kennel in terms of litters growing every year, but the need for a larger space had actually arisen.
We recently moved to a beautiful house, at least in our opinion, still in Mugello a few miles away from our previous home.
Here we have much more space available and the existing outbuildings allow us to be able to grow and live better with our faithful friends.
Not an easy choice as a family. Challenging and stressful, but in the end we can say: it was worth it!
The facility built is professional and has obtained all the necessary permits to breed with confidence.
Our home is always populated with many dogs. This is our will, a belief that will not change over time.
Over the years our experience has grown, both in socializing puppies and in managing mothers.
We have met many families. People who live with our Lagotto Romagnolo. People and families from Italy and all over Europe, happy with our dogs .
So proud to see the map of our puppies.
Some of our Lagotto even live in the United States..
Meeting families who personally come to pick up their puppy gives infinitely positive feelings.
We are grateful for the trust placed in us, especially when long journeys are undertaken to have one of our Lagottos. Generally, we have not met in person before. Certainly we have exchanged many videos and photos, throughout the puppies’ growth period. And we talked about any doubts or uncertainties about the placement of the little Lagotto.
These are experiences that fill us with joy, pride and inspire us to do better and better.
We remain curious, humble and convinced that more can always be done. We try.
Our children have grown up a lot, Linda and Giovanni are at a stage in their lives that distances them from us and also from our dogs. It is only fair!
Today we are happy with the daily routine our children have with our animals and the support they give us when we ask them….
As breeders, we have not forgotten our appreciation for those who helped us in the beginning by sharing their experiences with us. Now we do the same.
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