
Tips to choose a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo. Characteristics of the breed. Lagotto Romagnolo suitable for families and children. Lagotto Romagnolo Serious farms.

gold2 Teaching Lagotto's puppy where to take care of his needs

Puppy needs: the first challenge in education

For those who live in a flat to teach their puppy where to dirty becomes a fundamental issue. In the long run, I dare say survival.

Even those who own a garden or a terrace have to make an effort to have the area used for this purpose recognised.

A puppy from 2 to 4 months of age is not in control and will not be able to hold back.

It takes patience and perseverance. We should not shrink from showing our disappointment when the puppy leaves the house, but nothing more.

In particular, with a Lagotto Romagnolo, excessive reproaches for something that the puppy doesn’t even understand, risk intimidating him and marking his character.

I’m thinking of old customs, I hope now outdated, such as putting the puppy’s nose in the pee or mortifying him excessively with newspaper reports.

As the puppy’s autonomy will increase.

Between two and three months, every two hours or so, he will need to make his liquid needs. We will have to make arrangements for this.

The most likely times that your puppy will need to make his needs are:

after meals

shortly after a nap

after drinking

Being regular in feeding and taking him out shortly afterwards will help your puppy to do the right thing.

Gratifying your puppy will soon help him to understand the right behaviour. Finding the right moments from the start will greatly shorten the education process.

When we clean the house, it’s important not to be seen. It must not become a game at all.

We’ll have to sanitise with products that eliminate odours; on the other hand, the puppy will go back there to do his needs.


To the owners of our puppies who live in the flat, without outside space, I suggest to confine the areas of stay of the puppy.

The idea of using kennels or transporters of appropriate size is often not appreciated. The use of puppy enclosures gives surprising results. The feedback from families who have tried them is often extremely positive.

Of course, it should never be used as a place to extinguish a punishment.

It soon becomes a protected place, with its own toys, a mat and where you take prizes when you spontaneously enter it.

The puppy generally does not dirty the environment where it rests. Limiting the space available to the puppy, especially when we are in other busy matters, makes it easy to identify the moment when needs come.

Soon a relationship of mutual understanding will be created which is also useful in the future.

Once the initial moment has passed, the kennel for the puppy becomes a place where he can feel safe and rest peacefully.

The sleeper

The use of sleepers is not at all educational to teach your puppy to do his needs outside.

Evident! If we set up a place in the house to take care of the needs, how can we expect the puppy to ask to go out!

The use of sleepers only makes sense in the period leading up to the first vaccine booster.

A temporary solution as we will have to limit contact with other dogs whose vaccination status we do not know about. For this reason alone, and if we have no alternative, we may need sleepers.

In all other cases, sleepers are uneducational. It can be a comfort in the immediate future, but a torture for the future.

If we have used sleepers the route gets longer. We will start carrying the sleeper towards the door. Gradually we will take it out until it disappears.

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Puppy games: choose the most suitable one for the puppy Lagotto Romagnolo

All future owners of our puppies show up on the day of foster care with some games. We have the opportunity to see many puppy games and we can make a ranking of the most chosen ones.

However, the game for the puppy chosen is not always the most suitable for a puppy from Lagotto Romagnolo.

Many puppy games are available on the market: tennis balls, cotton ropes, balls with throwing rope, soft puppets, bone and last but not least Kong.

Sometimes it is the inexperience in knowing how to identify the most suitable one. Other times it is the desire to give the best for your puppy. As a result, the house is filled with treats.

Providing your puppy with too many toys can lead to total indifference. Better a few but good ones.

What are the best toys for puppies in Lagotto Romagnolo?

When we think of a puppy toy we have to take into account the breed and therefore the size of the dog. The Lagotto in particular has important changes in the closing of the mouth which must not be further modified by the type of game made available. For example, playing with the puppy at the tug-of-war is strongly to be avoided. The same game can be useful and stimulating for dogs of other breeds.

A game suitable for a puppy, specifically for the Lagotto Romagnolo breed should be:

  • Interesting to be able to entertain the puppy in our absence and at the same time to be used in moments of training and education.
  • Resistant in order not to represent a health hazard if ingested in small pieces.
  • Soft to help the puppy during the period of the teeth change to alleviate the discomfort to the gums. At the same time it does not compromise the correct growth of the teeth and their closure.
    Much also depends on the habits of each individual puppy and how the toy is used. There are toys that are more likely to be misused and become a problem or a danger.

For example, the bone is too hard. It can compromise the closure of the mouth of a Lagotto which, during the period of tooth change, by nature, moves a lot.

The thick cotton rope is made of a thousand pieces and frayed.  Fragments that we find in the puppy’s faeces and can cause gastritis. It can also be a means of deformation at the bite.

The tennis ball or similar object is often an attractive toy for the puppy. It has all the characteristics to be fun. Difficult to grip and pleasant to drive with its legs. It can be used as an educational object and has no contraindications for health. In fact, it is not caught in the mouth.

Kong is made of caoutchouc, the ideal consistency. Specially designed to be grasped, it is indestructible.  If filled with kibble or moist, it can become intellectually stimulating for the puppy. Once it becomes the puppy’s object of desire it can completely replace the tennis ball. Ah already forgotten. At first the Lagotto puppies seem to completely ignore Kong. I don’t know why, but they do!

Our advice is to make a kong always available and place it next to the tennis ball. When the Kong will be considered particularly interesting we will have in a single object everything we are looking for to make the pond play.

The game for the puppy, educating while having fun

The game for the puppy is an important moment. It is fundamental for his growth and education. Lagotto’s puppies have not yet turned one month old and spontaneously try to play. For us it is a hoot when the litter begins its socialization with us and with the brothers through the game.

The type of game and the way in which the games are played depend very much on the litter’s locomotor skills at that moment. When our puppies arrive in their families they have achieved complete control of movement and are happy to play with their new companions.

The time of play is perfect for teaching, educating and correcting certain behaviours.

The Mother herself tries to play with her puppies when the nursing period is over. She has recovered enough mental energy to enjoy her creatures.

With the game we will be able to create a unique bond with our Dog!

Lagotto Romagnolo power supply

The correlation between food and health is often forgotten even for humans. This relationship was well known more than two centuries ago to the father of medicine, Hippocrates.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”.

Even before Lagotto Romagnolo’s puppy becomes part of our life, the problem of how to feed it arises. Finding the right product to feed the puppy and even afterwards is not very easy. And even cooking ourselves is not so obvious.

The question is whether to cook the food at home or use the food, the croquettes.

Cooking our own food for our dog is certainly a demanding choice, but one that will benefit our Lagotto Romagnolo in the long run.

We ask our vet’s advice, to understand how to ensure a balanced diet for the puppy. An adequate diet to guarantee the correct development of our Lagotto Romagnolo.


The croquettes must be specific for puppies up to the compimentFeeding the Lagotto Romagnolo as a puppy and not only.o one year old. If we have opted for croquettes as a daily food for our puppy from Lagotto Romagnolo.

The quality croquettes ensure all the substances necessary for the correct growth of the puppy, vitamins, proteins, calcium and so on.

The dog does not need to change his food as he likes to do.

For this reason it is possible to choose the croquettes as a daily diet. Changing even just the brand of kibble can cause dysentery in the puppy and also in an adult dog.

How to choose the right product

It is not easy to find your way around the many products available.  Only the label on the package can provide useful information to understand which is a good food for our Lagotto Romagnolo.

The most famous brands are not necessarily the best.

The power of advertising can exceed the quality of the product. Then we will have to learn how to read the label, even if only to submit the products that we think are the best to our vet. Our Lagotto Romagnolo are completely dependent on our choices and even the breeder can share the experience made on his dogs giving useful information.

The croquettes are divided into two classes. Two fundamental adjectives for the choice of the nutrition of your Lagotto Romagnolo and not only:

  • CRUELTY-FREE, a product not tested by vivisection experiments on animals.
  • GRAIN-FREE, product without cereals and grains. Composed exclusively of animal proteins, fruit and vegetables.
    This information is indicated on the packaging of the croquettes.

For more information on how to read the label and how to choose a dry diet for your dogs, there is a lot of information on the WEB.

A first decisive information to be evaluated is the meat content. The dog is a carnivorous animal and the meat content must be high.

The label shows the substances that make up the feed in descending order. The first substance will be the one most present inside the croquette. The indicated meat content should be dehydrated, and attention should be paid to this as well. The presence of water increases the weight of the meat compared to other substances. But it is only water!

The content of ash, additives and chemical preservatives should be as low as possible.

After careful analysis and evaluation, I have chosen a product with excellent requirements.  In order to understand if over time the diet chosen for my Lagotto Romagnolo puppies could have repercussions on their health, I relied on personal experience and that of other breeders.

Dog signals

The dog sends clear signals when the chosen food is harmful to his health.  Continuously grazing grass is a sign of poor digestion.

Dermatitis and localised hair loss are often attributable to poor nutrition. In these cases, it is clear that you need to consult your vet..

travel with lagotto golia

Travelling with your dog. Walking with the Lagotto

The first journey of the Lagotto is certainly that of the puppy that leaves our breeding. Afterwards it will surely happen to plan a holiday with the dog. The choice of the means of transport is certainly linked to the destination to be reached. The age of the dog or a trip abroad requires specific documentation and health certificates for different situations. Let’s try to see some of them.

Travelling with your dog: Documentation

  • Passport: This is done at the ASL (Local Health Authority) where you can also find the dog registry office. We will have to have the Lagotto Romagnolo with us for the microchip reading and we will have to pay an amount that may vary from region to region. A prerequisite for obtaining the passport is simply that the dog is equipped with a microchip.
  • vaccination booklet: This is the booklet that we deliver on the day of the puppy’s foster care and it is regularly updated by the vet every time we do the vaccine booster.
  • rabies vaccination: It is a NON COMPULSORY vaccination in Italy. In fact, Italy is not a country at risk. It can only be done after the puppy has turned three months of age.
  • certificate of good health: This is a certificate issued by the vet who, after a general examination of the puppy’s state of health, issues a certificate.

Contact with wild: It is a self-declaration made by the owner of the puppy. When the puppy has not yet reached the 12 weeks necessary for rabies vaccination.

Travelling with the Lagotto Romagnolo as a puppy and as an adult: Car, airplane, ship, train

  • By Car: The first journey, that of the puppy leaving our kennel, generally takes place on a blanket and on the legs of a child of the family that welcomes the puppy. Even rather long journeys are well tolerated by small Lagotti. After the first few bends the puppy generally spends the time sleeping. A little stress, a little the new situation, better to sleep on it. Afterwards the journey should be done in extreme safety using safety belts like the one of the Lagotto in the picture or with suitable carriers. Some Lagotti are immediately at ease with the car, others take some time to accept it. In these cases it is important to make positive associations to go by car: some prize or a destination to go for a nice walk.
  • By plane: Using the plane as a means of transport is a solution to be considered when we really cannot do without it. As long as the Lagotto is a puppy and its weight allows it can be accompanied with us in the cabin. At the end of the day it’s not even too bad, as the transfer by car would actually be very long. The airlines each have their own rules. In general three months of age are required and the total weight must not exceed 8 Kg. The puppy must have the vaccinations certified by the health booklet. A suitable ATA carrier must be used, and the puppy must have a ticket. The certificate of good health can simplify the checks even when not explicitly required. When the destination is abroad things get a bit complicated as we will see later.
  • By Ship: Some companies provide a cabin suitable for travelling with your dog. Three months of age, vaccinations and sometimes a certificate of good health are required. Also in this case if we are heading abroad we will have to take into account the rules of the country of arrival.
  • By Train: Travel by train is generally comfortable and well accepted by the puppy. Comfortable and easily manageable even with an Adult Lagotto Dog. There are no particular controls on the certification of the dog to board. I report the link to the state railways for detailed information on the transport of pets.

Travelling with the Lagotto Romagnolo: In Italy, in the European Community, outside the EU

To travel in Italy it will be sufficient to respect the rules described above. It is necessary to inquire with the reference company if we travel by ship or plane.

In the European Community puppies up to 12 weeks old can circulate without rabies vaccination. Certainly not by ship or plane as all companies require the puppy to be three months old. After 12 weeks the puppies must also be vaccinated for rabies for at least 21 days. In other words, puppies between the 12th and the 15th cannot leave Italy. For the adult dog, the annual rabies booster will be sufficient, or 21 days if it is the first time.

It will therefore be necessary to have a passport, vaccination booklet in order.

To enter Switzerland, a puppy under 12 weeks must also have a declaration that it has not had contact with the wild and a certificate of good health drawn up by a veterinarian.

To travel outside the European Community we are likely to talk about aeroplane or ship, in any case we will certainly have to wait at least 15 weeks for the rabies issue described above. At this point we will have to check with the embassy of the country of destination for any necessary certification. Sometimes blood tests or specific controls or vaccinations for diseases typical of the country of destination are required. A fairly frequent half is the USA, and to be in good standing with the documentation becomes essential to avoid quarantine isolation for our dog for lack of proper certification.

There are agencies specialised in the transport of pets that can be of valuable help for important journeys. BLISSPET or IPATA

A holiday in a motorhome with your pet is a positive experience and with many benefits, the documents will certainly have to be in order, but over the bureaucratic part….. the Lagotto Romagnolo is an excellent travel companion.

meglio maschio o femmina

Male or female puppy? a look over to the Lagotto Romagnolo.

This is the most common question. A must for those who have never had a dog in the family. Who is looking for a dog as a friend and has fear of not to be able in the management. Understandable doubts that are deeply convinced do not depend on the sex of the puppy. The color of the puppy’s hair and how will be his adult cloak is the question that follows in the special ranking of frequently asked questions.

A dog is beautiful for his structure and morphology. The bearing and proportions, but above all must be a clever dog and of excellent character.

About the sex of the puppy the request is aimed to looking for a dog generally more quiet and that does not take advantage of the inexperience of the future owners. Sometimes the rumors, often false, to suggest the choice. Right information and considerations from other breed its can become a real nonsense for the breed Lagotto Romagnolo. Differences between the two sexes are there, let’s analyze it referenced to the Lagotto Romagnolo.

Lagotto Romagnolo female versus Lagotto Romagnolo male

The body

In some breeds the difference in tonnage between the male and the female can be really important. Sometimes even 10kg of muscles. It can lead to problems in the management of walks, for example. Even if a dog at leash should never pull, who is at the first experience with a dog thinks do not immediately able to handle this situation. Even the powerfull of a male can leave doubts. For the Lagotto Romagnolo the difference is not so considerable. For the breed standard the male is 2 cm taller and 2 Kg more weight.

The Beauty

It is more beautiful the male or the female? I have no doubts about that!
A beautiful male specimen is superior to a beautiful female. Of course if the male is a little bit ugly than it is better a beautiful female.I can’t choose even this time!
I would not be able to give advice on beauty based on the sex of a puppy. We have to see every puppy and if one has intentions to participate in show we will have to choose according to the morphological characteristics. Surely it is not a choice that can be made with puppies of one or a few weeks old.

Character and intelligence

Here the arguments are more abstract. We are not talking about centimeters or pounds or proportions.
We would like to determine our ability to have an excellent relationship with our dog based on the attitudes that the puppy should have based on sex. I think two sexs have some character differences, I am not so sure its are which one prefer future families. I believe, the female has more intellectual abilities especially in youth. The male is more clumsy and sometimes more instinctive. With the growing it can change. The female of Lagotto can become more complex. I think it depends on the arrival of the first heat. The management of hormonal changes can influence a phase of the character growth. Physical disrupting sometimes affect the mood of the dog. The male is generally more constant and when he exceeded the adolescent he has a behavior of easier interpretation.

The heats of the female

The female’s heat often moves definly the choice of the pet puppy according to the sex. The females go in heat twice a year and for twenty days we will have to be careful in our walks.
The signs will be clearly visible in home and we must be careful to our garden it is not accessible to male dogs. Especially during our absence. Not everyone is in favor of sterilizing their dog. Taboos must be exceeded to appreciate the benefits of sterilization.

A female not involved for reproduction should always be sterilized. In the interest of the dog’s health.

With sterilization the heats disappear and there are also some character benefits that I mentioned above. And again, we will no longer be able to choose the Lagotto puppy based on the sex.

Can you choose a pet Lagotto puppy based on sex?

Who has had other dogs often asks for the same sex of puppy. A good choice if we enjoyed it.
Even if the dog was from another breed. If there are other dogs in the family the choice of the sex of the puppy can be obliged. For example, to avoid unwanted couplings or becoese we know our dog is particularly aggressive with same sex dogs. The choice of the sex of the puppy can also be made for personal considerations: “In The family I only have males human, enough! I want a girl! “or otherwise. How to blame them Ahaha. Excluding these special cases and others that at the moment escape from my mind, when we decide to enlarge our family with a puppy of lagotto we must know a lot depends on the relationship we will be able to establish with our Lagotto.

The relationship with your dog makes the difference, it is rarely a matter of sex. Our dog will trust us and we must always merit his trust and demand mutual respect.

Within the same litter we see puppies more lively or enterprising, those who arrive first to the solution and other who are more rebellious. More dynamic puppies and more calm. Character aspects that in the following months of coexistence with their new companions of life will be exalted or reduced. In the family will change the education and also the stimuli. Until the patience of future families allows us, we try to delay the association puppy-family. We want to collect as much information as we can to seek in everyone’s interest to create the right couple. Then arrive the moment that the desire to know how the puppy grows and who he is, becomes unstoppable and rightly we give up. Once the puppy leaves the mother and the brothers, and we too, the situations change. Puppy will have more spaces to give the best of himself, new friends and all the spotlight on him.

We have an unique certainty, we have given each puppy the basis for an excellent growth with beautiful families.

Pedigree Lagotto Romagnolo e Qualità del Cucciolo

The first time you hear talk about “quality” of a breed puppy , it comes from smiling or horrify. It depends on the sensitivity of each of us. It’s an expression that makes think a puppy like an object. It’s not pleasant.

The concept of “puppy quality” exists in facts. You find this expression in the documents of the Animal Health Foundation and in many magazines of dog Culture. The quality of a puppy is not an advertisement, but a clear and definite concept referred to the parents of the puppies and to those who breed them.

Official Radiographs for dyslasias and genetic tests, title in show and working prove, the analysis of the pedigree and the evaluation of the offspring, i.e. the selection, are as important as the socialization of the puppies, the diet and the character attitudes.

Certifications attesting and demonstrating the search for the improvement of the breed in terms of health, morphology and character.

The poor dog culture has allowed those who want to make a profit to accept as true, false concepts. Just like what a puppy with pedigree already has the highest requirements. Comfortable No?!

What is a Pedigree

The pedigree is a document attesting to the genealogy of the puppy. It reports the parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and trisgrandparents.

The pedigree also shows some information on the health and morphology of the ancestors. That is, the results of X-ray examinations for dysplasia of the hips and elbows, if its are been executed. The pedigree provides information on the morphology and character attitudes of the ancestors. That is if they have distinguished themselves in beauty show, in work proof or as reproducers, by obtaining titles.

A pedigree can be exceptional. But it can also not say anything or anything good.

Claiming that a puppy with pedigree has automatically the requirements to be a reproducer is a huge nonsense.

The pedigree is released to all the puppies children of parents with pedigree.

For example, even the puppy of two biting Lagotto Romagnolo would have his pedigree. Such lagottos if presented to a judge of the breed would lose their pedigree. Because their litters could have a character from their parents.

The pedigree is simply the minimum we can do for a puppy breed. It is prohibited by Italian law to sell purebred puppies without pedigree (D. Lgs 529/92 art. 5 comma1).

We can not ask who buys a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo to know the dogs in the pedigree. Although the breed is relatively young. What we can ask to those who buy a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy , or even of another breed is to always claim the pedigree and at the same time to look forward.

The quality of a lagotto Romagnolo puppy

The quality of a puppy is in all the virtuous actions of the breeder to get to that puppy.

  • Selection for health, morphology and character
  • Quality food, for a correct growth
  • Complete health care framework of parents. Better if you also include grandparents, genetic testing and radiographs for official Dysplasias
  • An excellent pedigree rich in champion show or champion reproduder give quality to a puppy
  • The medical care of the mother and the litter, food supplements and vermicides. Healthy and Robust puppies
  • The socialization of the puppies for balanced dogs is fundamental for the choice of a breeding

The farms, or rather the breeders determine the quality of a puppy. The selected playback, for example, is defined as an official recognition to the quality control for the greatest warranties and information. A puppy is of quality if it has complete information about health, character and morphology. The breeder was serious in assessing and making known these aspects. We will also find dogs specialized in various disciplines. There are Lagotto Romagnolo frequent frequenters of exhibitions or work tests. Everyone stands out in what they most like or think best suited to their lagotto. Without prejudice to the minimum requirements, genetic tests and X-rays to parents and socialization of the litter.

Our litters of Lagotto Romagnolo

We made these concepts our own, like some other breedings. Litters with health requirements.

Puppies of Lagotto Romagnolo from parents tested for the pathologies of the breed and radiographed for the Dysplasias.

Character Requirements and morphology

Puppies of Lagotto Romagnolo socialized, children of known parents who live in the family. Pedigree and/or the judgement of expert judges attesting to attitudes and morphology.

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a relatively young breed. Its diffusion is still very much linked to the hunter of truffles.

Luckily the crossbar is getting up. This process of growth is helped from the Lagotto Romagnolo is getting known and appreciated as a pet dog. The quality of the demands is growing too. Consequently the quality of the breeding grows. The request is no longer just for an excellent truffle dog, and that’s all. But for a dog suitable for family and children, healthy and possibly beautiful.

A quality Lagotto Romagnolo puppy, even if it sounds bad.

When to take the puppy?

In terms of the law accomplished on the 60th day of age, the puppy can be yielded. But is the puppy really ready to leave mom and siblings? The litter from the sixtieth day onwards shows important changes. It is analogous to what the families notice when they pass the moment of initial settling their puppy explodes in all its splendor. It is a process of growth that starts slowly from the seventh week. With increasing motor capacity increases the intensity of interaction and in an increasingly strong and decisive until the twelfth week. Until the eighth week the litter must be serene. Do the first experiences without exaggerating, adapted to their age. Without too much noise or frenetics.

Between the eighth and tenth weeks of life The puppy knows a new feeling: fear.

It is important to be able to follow our puppies during this period. Mommy helps us and our attentive eye does the rest. We are in the environment where the puppy has grown and it is easy to see if the whole litter proceeds uniformly in the growth of character. It is a delicate phase that must be held close to the mother and the people who have always reassured the puppy. Sometimes it is enough a sudden noise or a sudden movement, and here all together they look at you with a thousand exclamation marks:

Now what happens!?!?! No villains!!! Let’s do a little racket!

It kind of works like that. Maturation times vary from litter to litter. Often they also depend on the breed. In any case, there is always the time when the awareness of fear comes up. In Nature The feeling of fear plays an important and also vital role. The darers face the danger without fear and often get into trouble. In this period is mainly mum Lagotta to give important lessons of life to their puppies.  His boys in the face of unexpected reactions feel fear and are put back to the rules of Mother. Exaggerated games or eat in the bowl of MOM are some examples that MOM Lagotta prohibits. Instead we must avoid that the Lagottino perceals with terror situations that in the future will be completely normal. Other dogs, people and children for example. We want balanced Lagotti and for this we seek balance even in the puppy. Knowing the feeling of fear is important. It will not have to be overwhelmed by turning into terror, much less ignoring it by becoming a rash.

The character of the dog is formed in good and bad for a long time by the experiences made during this period.

On the day that the puppy changes home, as much as we commit all to make it as stressful as possible, it is a strong experience for the puppy. It can take days to settle. The loss of appetite and diareas are fairly normal events in the first week in the new home. For this reason we entrust the puppies after the 70 days of life. In this environment the puppies are at ease, the place where they were born and raised and will also be the place where to overcome brilliantly the first signs of fear. The Lagotto Romagnolo is a breed of dog that easily tends to the fear and confidentiality of the puppy. It is all too easy during this period to mark negatively the puppies of Lagotto Romagnolo that difficult and with so much effort can be recovered. A Lagotto Romagnolo grown and bred properly is a special dog with features that will have to remain in him throughout his life.

Entrust a puppy after 12 weeks

There is a time window in the bibliography that represents the best time to entrust a puppy.

Exceeded the period of the feeling of fear that arrives approximately to 70 days of life the puppy will accumulate experiences. Until 12 weeks the puppies are sponges that from every situation I learn spontaneously and immediately.

After 70 days it is the ideal time to leave the farm and enter the new family.

Here you will start to meet new people and environments. The process of socializing and character training continues up to 4 months of age. Traffic noises and cars if it will be a puppy that lives in the city. and other dogs, adults and puppies like him. Games made under the watchful eye of his new family. For the respect of the hierarchies will have to locate his pack leader. Learn to respect the rules of the family and the basic commands that will soon lead him to be a polite and happy dog Lagotto representative of his race.

Taking a puppy at 70 days of life is a good choice, often the best to have a happy and pleasant Lagotto.

Yielding puppies abroad means educating them and starting them to new experiences awaiting the vaccine against rabies and passport. expatriation procedures for a dog are not the same in all European countries. Although we have requests for our puppies from other European countries and not only do we only give them up if we can follow them in their growth. We look first at the welfare of our puppy. We entrust the puppies only to those who can come to take them in breeding. We don’t ship them for sure! If a puppy stays with us for a longer period we will take care of its character growth by starting it to as many experiences as we can.

Inserting the puppy in the new home: his family

The integration of the puppy into the new family requires a lot of patience and attention. We certainly prepared for the arrival of the little Lagotto both with the objects and mentally to read the puppy’s behaviour.

Excesses are almost always to be avoided, especially with a puppy from Lagotto Romagnolo. Common sense must guide us so as not to be too apprehensive or nonchalant.

Small and simple tricks often simplify and make everything easier.

The low tone of voice, like cautious movements avoiding sudden noises, help the puppy to take the first step towards us. Common sense things that especially if there are children in the family become difficult to control.

Every litter has its own characteristics. There are Lagotto litters in which the puppies are real Lion Hearts. Brave and almost brave from the very first moment. These are puppies that hardly ever have insertion problems. Even if the reserved character of the Lagotto tends vice versa to puppies that become familiar a little at a time. A more frequent and typical attitude of the Lagotto Romagnolo.

More often the litters are mixed. Typical puppies of the breed that gradually enter into situations and others that, vice versa, are stronger and more lively.

It is only a matter of time and everyone will be fantastic puppies!

The whities will need a little more time to get rid of the stress of insertion. The more jaunty puppies will soon be ready to be educated to contain their exuberance. These are natural characteristics of the puppy, the individual character to which we will have to patiently adapt to help the puppy grow properly.

Insertion times of the Lagotto puppy

When we entrust our puppies we are certain that they are ready for insertion. Reading the puppy’s signals helps you understand if the puppy is fully inserted.

To expect this to happen in a few hours or days is highly unlikely. Sometimes it happens, but it’s not the norm for a Lagotto puppy.

Vets often claim that a puppy in the first week of insertion is not assessable. This suggests that regardless of the breed of dog such time should be left to the puppy. We should not expect too much in the first few days. Turn on a leash or bathe or a thousand new situations all at once.

The puppies from Lagotto Romagnolo start giving Gas after a week.

We will see extremely extrovert puppies that have immediately settled in and as moderates they will start to be a bit pestiferous. Other slower parties will show that they are completely at ease.

After a week we will begin to interact more directly with our dog and discover new wonderful aspects of his character every day.

Puppy insertion stress signals: Feeding and Diaree

Perhaps we are presumptuous in thinking this, but we work to say that our puppies do not manifest their stress with strong states of depression.

Accustomed from the very first days of life to children and the house. Always surrounded by people and other dogs, the situations that may arise on the day of their insertion are not something totally unknown to the point of deeply discouraging them.

Lagotto’s puppies, precisely because it is the typical character of the breed that makes them be like this, can manifest their discomfort with inappetence or diarea.

Not worrying signals that must be followed and in a few days overcome.

It is fundamental that the puppies continue their growth. Absolutely, the puppy must continue to feed.

We will use cans of humid, puppy food. These tins are always appreciated by the puppy and mixed with his usual croquettes will help him to eat, grow and stay strong. When the sense of discomfort gradually disappears, the wet food will do the same.

Eating regularly both in portions and on time also helps digestion.

Any diaphragms that may occur due to stress will soon disappear as well. It happens, not very often, but this also happens.

It is important not to underestimate but at the same time to give the right size.

In the first days of insertion, gastrointestinal disturbances and loss of appetite are frequent with puppies. Knowing helps to stay serene and at the same time give regularity.

The Lagotto Romagnolo: character and temperament

Lagotto Romagnolo is a relatively young breed and his use has always been almost exclusively as a working dog. For this reason many of the people who contact us have not had previous experiences with this breed as a pet dog. They ask us about the character of the Lagotto Romagnolo. They wants confirmations on how much good and beautiful they read. The Lagotto Romagnolo has recently entered in the homes of families and for this reason a breed still to be discovered but the little Lagotti are giving important confirmations. The people who contact us talk about their furry friends. Terriers, beagle or settler or mestizo who loved to the point of not being able to stay without a dog.

Now, after seeing and being informed about the temperament of the Lagotto Romagnolo, they choose him as their life partner.

A family who has time and space, it also happens they have never had a dog, soon the family Lagotto become two. Families also with children who in one shot discover the love of the dog and the charm of Lagotto Romagnolo. The question often ends with a: “But really He is so?!” In fact it seems impossible that these little creatures are all that man always look for in a pet dog. The Lagotto Romagnolo is a working dog and he knows how to do it really well. It is a feat to find the most appropriate adjectives to be used to describe the character of the Lagotto Romagnolo. To reassure that the Lagotto Romagnolo is just like that! We should tell a multitude of anecdotes and situations. Only by experiencing the Lagotto you comprehend character intelligence and temperament. It also happens the children bring in the family the first Lagotto. Then the parents want the second one.

The character of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The character of the Lagotto Romagnolo is a unique aspect of this breed.

Affectionate and playful, patient with children and tireless playmate. Lively and entertaining outdoors as composed and respectful in the house. Smart!

All adjectives that are well suited to the Lagotto Romagnolo, but only by living it is understood how he is the maximum expression. The fact that the Lagotto Romagnolo does not leave fur in the house is often seen as one more thing..

The temperament of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The temperament of the Lagotto Romagnolo is astonishing.

The Lagotto dog knows how to be from apartment and at the same time brilliant and fun in the outdoor. Easily trainable and connected to the owner. The Lagotto always tries to please his reference humans. Both indoors and outdoors.

Intelligent to understand at first time, and touty if someone does not recognize him this ability.

He is a quiet dog and not bother, knows how to compose and wait. He turns into sticky when we cuddle him and he never tire of being cuddles. Don’t argue with other dogs. And he is docile to the point he would never bite anyone, much less a child. He’s not a bark dog. At most warn when there are unexpected visits. These are the characteristics of the Lagotto Romagnolo. Finding a flaw is really hard.

He is a balanced dog that can understand and adapt. For us that we breed the Lagotto Romagnolo his many potentials, in all fields are not a surprise. We were enormously pleased to know a Lagotto Romagnolo was introduced into the group of Pet Therapy at the Meyer Pediatric hospital in Florence

Characteristics Fur Lagotto Romagnolo

The fur of the Lagotto Romagnolo is a woolly weaving hedgehog. The mantle of Lagotto Romagnolo is constantly growing. The combination of these characteristics makes necessary maintenance interventions on the mantle that by nature tends to felting.

The Lagotto Romagnolo does not smell bad and does not stink.

A dog that lives a lot in the open air gets dirty more easily. The dirt accumulated on the mantle can give a bad odor but it is not typical of the dog. To be more explicit the Lagotto does not in itself have the classic hunting dog smell.

Hair Care: The curly mantle of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo raises a lot of interest also as a dog from the apartment because it does not lose fur. Against the constant growth of the mantle and the tendency to felting requires a minimum of care in the management of the hair.

An annual shearing in the spring period when temperatures tend to rise is advisable.

The dog will be less heated with the arrival of the summer. The mantle of the Lagotto will not be the refuge of a thousand grasses during our excursions or walks to the gardens. The shearing is a sort of reset. You can manage the hot season better and get in order to the next autumn-winter.

How many combing the fur of the Lagotto?

Here’s one of the recurring questions. It doesn’t have to be a very frequent, daily practice. Once a week or even two, depending on the period and length of the mantle.

A longer cloak should be cared for more frequently.

which combs or brushes to use to treat the fur of the Lagotto?

The carer is used when the hair is badly placed, inaccessible to a comb in thin-toothed steel. The carer wastes a little The shape of the hedgehog. The hedgehog will still tend to reform. The carer if used frequently and intensely can greatly spoil the mantle. At that point it is advisable to have a bath with a nice drying. The goal to have a nice hair is to be able to comb in the back of our little coat with the comb with sparse teeth. In summary: Long steel carer and comb with sparse teeth on one side and more dense on the other.

How many do you wash the Lagotti Romagnoli?

It depends on how dirty it is. In fact, or absurd the bathroom is not a practice required for the dog. Washing the Lagotto Romagnolo means using balms beyond the shampoo. The conditioner facilitates the operation to dissolve knots and detangle the felted hair. When the dog is quite dirty the only brushing and combing may not be enough. The bath becomes inevitable. A nice dry with the phone helps the hair to resume its beautiful characteristic shape: the Hedgehog. Good chance for a DIY snib.

How to shorten the fur of the Lagotto Romagnolo?

  • If we opted for a machine shearing, special electric shaver for dog, we will make a height of 3mm. We will discover another dog, with strengths and faults, certainly lovable and sweet. A grooming machine will do it well without problems and with professional equipment.
  • If we want to shorten the mantle to scissors we will aim at a height of about 2 cm. The owners of the pet lagoons are not always allowed to go to a DIY hairstyle. Yet it is a feasible thing, in time it can give also satisfactions. The not yet high breed diffusion is the main reason why the Lagotto’s mantle is often shortened randomly by grooming shops.

How to shorten the fur of Lagotto Romagnolo with scissors?

In This operation we will have to follow those that are the morphological characteristics of the breed described in the breed standard. The rustic look that the dog must keep helps to cover any scissor errors. In time we will certainly improve and often with satisfaction we manage to maintain a nice and orderly appearance of our Fido. Here are some tips. We will not be ready to go to an exhibition but we will certainly caress your dog joyfully.

As a general rule the scissors are used on a mantle untated by knots and well cared for.

Head: Trim the ears to give it a triangle shape. Do not shorten excessively over the nose and not even stop between the eyes. Give the head a round shape starting from the lower jaw to get to remove the hair in front of the eyes. Under the eyes the hedgehog must be combed down, above the eyes a round shape is privileged but never an excessive lowering. Standard Lagotto Romagnolo: The ideal Lagotto [/caption] Neck: keep it lower than the trunk going to exalt the shape of the shoulders and above that of the head. Clean well under the ears. Trunk: An almost constant height, slightly shorter on the hips, trying to enhance the shoulders and thigh. Clean the bottom well. Back area: Shorten the thigh back by recovering a little height on the end of the leg. Respect the same hair height even on the tail. Feet: Turn well around the foot for the fingertips to touch and no stray tugs! I got a little ventured into these explanations. I hope it’s appreciated the attempt! However, the images of the standard of breed of Lagotto Romagna help in trying to give some forms that at least come close to the idea of the Lagotto Romagna.