Check the body growth: the weight of the puppy
Eat a little or eat a lot? Check the weight of the puppy
Eat a little or eat a lot? Check the weight of the puppy
Check the weight of the puppy for proper growth
The first days with new Family, the Lagotto Romagnolo puppy often discharges stress due to his insertion on the diet. Loss of appetite.
The puppy should have a daily growth in order not to remain behind in a very delicate period of physical development. It is allowed to use wet food from puppies to stimulate the appetite.
Once the puppy has settled and even the feeding is regularized, checking the weight of the puppy helps to understand if the amount of food that we administer is adequate.
The weight of the puppy and the increase in weight over time helps even to understand what the adult weight of the Lagotto will be.
Those who adopt one of our pup often question themself about the increase in weight. Sometimes it is pure curiosity to know the weight of the adult Lagotto. Other times there are doubts about the right feeding of the puppy in terms of quantity as well as quality.
Overly fat and weights puppies endanger themself bone structure with consequences also on quality of their life.
The one below is a reference for the weight of the puppy. It can help to adjust the amount of food or to eliminate some curiosity about the adult Lagotto weight.
The data below are references based on experience and not scientific data. The purpose of this information is exclusively to alert ourselves to significant differences and eventually to consult a VET.
11 KG when Adult: 4,5 Kg
13 Kg when Adult: 5,3 Kg
15 KG when Adult: 6 Kg
11 KG when Adult: 5,6 Kg
13 Kg when Adult: 6,6 Kg
15 KG when Adult: 7,5 Kg
11 KG when Adult: 6,7 Kg
13 Kg when Adult: 7,9 Kg
15 KG when Adult: 9 Kg
11 KG when Adult: 7,8 Kg
13 Kg when Adult: 9,2 Kg
15 KG when Adult: 10,5 Kg
11 KG when Adult: 8,8 Kg
13 Kg when Adult: 10,4 Kg
15 KG when Adult: 12 Kg
Adult Food Almost final weight
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Lagotto Romagnolo puppy booking | Breeder Valle dei Medici.
Reserving one of our puppies, especially made without making a visit with us is definitely an act of mutual trust.
The inability to make a visit is often due to distance. However, a good friendly phone conversation, sometimes a video call allows us to exchange…
Lagotto Romagnolo Agility Dog
There are many activities we can do with our Lagotto.
Lagotto Romagnolo truffle dog, very true, but not only!
With such a versatile dog there are many activities we can do with him. Pleasant, carefree moments that strengthen friendship and complicity with one's Lagotto.
The sport that certainly…
Lagotto Romagnolo: Curiosities and things to know
As of 2020, specimens of Lagotto Romagnolo running around our cities have increased dramatically. Just 10 years ago meeting a Lagotto was a rarity. You would often be stopped by people curious about the curly-haired dog with the usual question: Is it a poodle.
Now the…
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Neutering a dog mainly protects him from tumours. For the female these are tumours of the uterus and udder, for the male tumours of the testicles and prostate.
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Growth of the puppy in weightWhatsApp us