allevamento lagotto

We started breeding with after having gained experience, knowledge and skills. In this path of growth we have been helped by great people, serious breeders and true dog lovers. We became real friends with them. Immediately in tune because they are animated by the same passion than us. We are informed and we have deepened every single aspect of breeding.

With our ideas and respecting our dogs, we carry on our passion.

We certainly do not breed by necessity, it is a passion that takes us a lot of time, day and night..

The quality of puppies and to pursuit of our idea of Lagotto Romagnolo is our reference as breeder.

Our dogs are family members. As such they need attention and time, just like children.

The number of our dogs must not increase beyond our chances of following them.

Requirements of our litters Lagotto Romagnolo

In order to breed with a certain continuity we need a certain number of females. Our ambitions remain to have few well-bred litters and with all the requirements of health and morphology. With this statement we mean:

  1. We want to create a health picture around puppies that provide the best health guarantees. All the certainties that genetics allows us to have. There are pathologies such as dysplasia that in fact we can never exclude. That’s why we do the X-rays official to our Lagotto reproducers and select the breeders for outside studs.
  2. Work at the maximum on the character of the puppy. We gradually offer our puppies as much experience as possible. With the help of their mothers we want to create the presuppositions to have great dogs, balanced and never fearful.

Parents of our litters are Lagotto Romagnolo who carried out the genetic tests and official X-rays for hips and elbows.

Commitment and time, expenses and risks that without a doubts we support because it is the least for our dogs, their puppies and the families who welcome them. When we finally get the desired results, we feel more than satisfied.

We are alwais available on the issues that you may encounter after adopting a puppy of ours. We like to be informed about how our puppies grow to became great Lagotto Romagnolo.

Dog Shows and information

Our time and our interest is directed almost exclusively to our Lagotto Romagnolo and their puppies.

From time to time we do not subtract ourself from showing our Lagotto Romagnolo to expert judges of the breed. Skills, attitudes and morphology are assessed. The purpose of these exits, stressful for our dogs at least as they are for us, it is not the attainment of goals of beauty or work. We already believe in what we are doing.

Expert judges ‘ assessments are necessary information to improve our work and the breed.

Unfortunately we note daily how little information there is in the canine field. Even us try every day to learn and improve ourselves. As far as possible we try to divulge our notions too. Information on the health, character and education of dogs and Lagotto Romagnolo in particular. This aspect is also part of our idea of breeding.

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