Forming the Character of the Lagotto Romagnolo puppy

The character of the Lagotto Romagnolo is influenced in a decisive way by at least two factors.

  1. The character of the parents is a very important element, but not sufficient on its own.
  2. How the puppy is raised. The respect of the growth phases, the socialisation of the puppy, mark forever the character of the Lagotto Romagnolo.

Our added value lies in raising puppies that are serene and free from fears, and therefore beautiful for their owners.

Knowing the breed is fundamental to raise a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy with an exceptional character. The following information is an important but indicative reference point.

Lagotto Romagnolo puppy: Vegetative phase

This is the period that goes from birth to the first 15 days of life of the puppy.

It is called vegetative because the puppy’s senses are not developed. The puppies only know the Touch, which is useful to get to the only interaction they have in this period: the mother’s udders.

Studies have shown that tactile stimulation of puppies even in this phase can bring cerebral benefits. These are short exercises done at the most opportune moments of their day.

Lagotto Romagnolo Puppy: Transition Phase

This is the period from 15 days of life of the puppy to 21 days. Sight and hearing begin to develop. At last we can look our puppy in the eyes and even try to say a few loving, whispered words to each other.

The puppy already accepts being handled and appreciates the human warmth by being quiet.

In this phase you can work a lot on the sense of smell. The sense of smell that the dog will use as an adult to orientate itself in various situations.

Introducing the puppy to new smells, those of the various people living with the puppies, are necessary stimuli. At first, the mother does not like this intrusion and keeps a watchful eye on every movement. The character of the Lagotto Romagnolo will benefit from such interactions with man, woman and children. Later on it will consider being handled a normal event.

We breed our puppies indoors because we believe that at this stage they can become accustomed to the sounds of home. Our Lagotto puppies will always be available to be cuddled. It is at this stage that we introduce them to the smell of truffles.

Lagotto Romagnolo Puppy: Imprinting

This is the period from 21 days of life of the puppy to 50 days. The mother starts the education of her puppies. We are there at her side ready to do our part. It is the most delicate period of the puppy’s character development.

Movements become more relaxed. Siblings are always available to play with. In just a few weeks the puppy goes from the whelping room to living in the garden. Around 35 days the puppies can go out in the garden for the first time.

We must proceed step by step and not leave anyone behind. We are careful about shyness and giving positive reinforcement. In this phase we must spend a lot of time with our puppies.

The puppies will get to know our furry pack leader and the other dogs. Respect for hierarchies begins. Soon all signs of shyness and fear towards other dogs disappear. These are the first signs that our puppy will grow up to have an excellent character.

A beautiful and challenging moment. Our whole family participates. It is fun and useful for the puppies. In this period you can and must make a difference.

The character of each puppy begins to emerge, and if we have worked well the next phase will give us Super Lagotto Romagnolo.

Lagotto Romagnolo Puppy: Socialisation

This is the period that goes from 50 days of life of the puppy to 4 months. In this phase the puppy will have to get to know all the situations that once adult will be everyday life.

So let’s indulge our imagination and go step by step: always.

Get to know other dogs, animals and people outside the family. Frequent socialisation is the watchword for new families.

The puppies’ socialisation process begins at the kennel and necessarily continues with their owners.

In order to cope well with this phase, we have chosen to keep the puppies in the kennel until the 70th day. Leaving our kennel with a good baggage of experiences allows an easy learning process with the new families. A shy or fearful puppy will take much longer in its learning process. And this does not always lead to the desired results.

Tufo primo giorno con nuova famiglia. Cucciolo felice e brillante al primo impatto.

Pubblicato da David Boretti su domenica 11 marzo 2018

Our advice is appreciated and sometimes necessary. It does not bother us as some sometimes think. It gratifies us and allows us to contribute to the refinement of the character of our, now yours, Lagotto Romagnolo.

This phase is characterised by games and education.

Play represents a spontaneous way of learning. Education in the sense of respecting the rules must be clear to the puppy from the first moment it enters its new home.

Experiencing other dogs, games and activities is good. But always in safety, see also Training a puppy.

We add this short video made by one of our customers, although the right term would be friends.

A bright and happy little Lagotto immediately ready to interact and conquer his new humans.

A young couple who visited us and booked their puppy. After a few months of waiting here they are with their little Lagotto just arrived at home. Amazing!

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