lagotto dog

kennel lagotto romagnolo Italy

Lagotto Romagnolo: Curiosities and things to know

As of 2020, specimens of Lagotto Romagnolo running around our cities have increased dramatically. Just 10 years ago meeting a Lagotto was a rarity. You would often be stopped by people curious about the curly-haired dog with the usual question: Is it a poodle.

Now the Lagotto Romagnolo is recognized by most at first sight. One can find many of them both in the city and in the country.

Due to its increased notoriety there are many websites dealing with dog breeds that provide information about the Lagotto Romagnolo.

Facebook groups dedicated to the Lagotto have always been there, but the community is now much larger.

The information provided is sometimes conflicting, incomplete or even completely false.

Here are some things to know that may be helpful before deciding to get a Lagotto Romagnolo as a pet dog.

Little bark: wary dog

The Lagotto Romagnolo is not a barking dog.

To get your attention he usually does not use barking. It usually finds other ways and in any case rarely resorts to barking.

In the breed standard, however, it is called a warning dog.

This means that unexpected noise in or near the property is perceived by the Lagotto as a source of stress to which he generally responds with constant barking.

To give a personal example. our Lagots often bark when we receive visitors. Although they are used to it, they usually alert us by barking.

We may not use the bell!

After a few tens of seconds everything returns to normal. The situation is known to them. They hear our voice, dialogue, and then those who are currently in the garden run to us to receive cuddles from visitors as well.

Doesn’t like to dig: stress issue or selection?

I have read in many places that the Lagotto would be a dog that loves to dig.

This statement is usually superficially explained by the association with the truffle dog and digging.

There are many Lagottos that trained to recognize the smell of truffles do not have an immediate reflex to use their paws to do the rasping. Some dogs we really have to teach them. They try to do everything with their mouths. Other times surrendered in not seeing the truffle despite smelling it they simply sit there pointing to the area and waiting for the man to do the rest.

The Lagotto Romagnolo generally digs in the garden because it smells particular odors.

Often it is the lizard hunt that he really enjoys.

This I assure you, however, also happens with dogs of other breeds.

Other times unfortunately it is loneliness. The Lagotto needs the presence of his human companion. The one or those who have desired him. Then unfortunately the family routine or special events have relegated him to the background….

then yes! The Lagotto dog digs out of stress. But the problem is not with the Dog….

Robust dog: a healthy dog

Yes it is! He has no particular health problems.

He does not suffer from the cold. Much more so the heat.

Athletic and performing, he is a dog that we can call HEALTHY.

There are some genetic disorders in the breed that must be genetically tested to rule them out in offspring. Likewise, dysplasias must be monitored before promoting a dog to breeding.

He loves his family: let’s devote time to him!

A happy Lagotto is a dog that participates in family activities.

Meek in temperament, it loves its family and therefore loves to be with children as well.

He loves walks with his family on or off leash. As a working dog he needs to be mentally engaged and stimulated.

However, it is not true that he has to go for hours of walks daily.

If you do them better, even for you….

But it is not mandatory to do them every day, and for so long.

We enjoy our dog by keeping him with us and doing things with him.

We often do gardening together and have a great time!

He is an intelligent dog: working dog

The temperament of the Lagotto is truly special!

Affectionate and eager to make his owner happy. Stimulate him and he will be an obedient and happy dog.

He will know how to do agility, pet therapy, find on rubble . Anything that will make him use his excellent sense of smell will please him and increase his desire to do well.

doesn’t shed hair: no shedding

Absolutely true!

Sometimes people ask me: but does he really not shed a single hair? That’s right.

On the flip side, we will have to groom him and have year-round hair management, also in relation to the seasons.

He loves water: an ancestral call

Working dog that loves water.

No matter what the temperature is outside. Any opportunity is good to dive in.

Here’s another thing to do with our Lagotto Romagnolo….better than a walk for sure!