price Lagotto Romagnolo

Lagotto Romagnolo puppy booking | Breeder Valle dei Medici.

photo lagotto romagnolo

Reserving one of our puppies, especially made without making a visit with us is definitely an act of mutual trust.

The inability to make a visit is often due to distance. However, a good friendly phone conversation, sometimes a video call allows us to exchange useful information to understand the family’s expectation of the new puppy.

We are able to make clear what we do here and what health and socialization aspects we follow with the highest attention.

The price of one of our puppies is intentionally not listed on this site. We also do not give the price by email or whatsapp.

The reason for this choice is not a marketing operation or an inexplicable strategy.

We fully understand that puppy price is an important piece of information, but it only comes into play after we feel that our contact person is suitable for one of our Lagotto puppies.

We want to have information about our puppy’s new family. We want to be able to have our say and do the best we are allowed for the future well-being of our puppies, the children of our Lagottos.

miglior allevamento lagotto romagnolo

So avoid superficial buyers who by asking themselves few questions about their situation and ability to take in a dog decide they have that budget for the puppy and if the price is right they think “the deal” is done.

well understand what I mean,  the many people who write to us about their family or call us to inquire precisely about the aspects that lead to the adoption of a puppy.

Those who book the puppy will certainly have to wait some time to have it in their home, on the other hand it gives us useful information to evaluate îthe temperament of the puppy for that specific family throughout the growing up period here with us.



How we make the puppy choice.

Puppy choice occurs around the 50th day of life.Svizzere lagotto Brown marrona

The main goal is to identify dominant and more closed puppies.

Every day we evaluate their behavior. When they are the right age they are taken individually and offered new things.

And then, the puppy who together with his siblings was playing devil’s advocate, taken on his own is very shy.

Testing is not done once. Even for puppies, not every day is the same.

The Lagotto’s natural reserve in facing new situations should never result in fear.

Puppies that require more attention and care will need to receive it here with us in order to be ready when they have to leave us and face placement elsewhere with other people.

fotografie lagotto romagnoloWe are often told that the previous dog was the one who first approached, or we are asked precisely to do this test with our puppies to leave the evaluation to the future owner. We don’t.

This unfortunately takes away some of the romance aspect of the choice, but we know that a puppy who remains somewhat secluded at that time may simply have eaten more than his siblings and be in a moment of digestion. He may simply have played a lot before these people arrived and not feel like doing anything else.

Lagotto romagnolo zurigoIn any case, it often happens that when the puppies are already about 45 days old we agree to do a trial together with the future family. It will be three or four puppies, generally either all male or all female if the family has clear ideas about the sex of the future puppy. With our supervision and choosing puppies that we feel are suitable for the future situation we accommodate preferences and leave the romantic aspect of… “he chose us!”

A more open or more closed temperament can be a plus in one situation and a flaw in another.

Pedigree Lagotto Romagnolo e Qualità del Cucciolo

The first time you hear talk about “quality” of a breed puppy , it comes from smiling or horrify. It depends on the sensitivity of each of us. It’s an expression that makes think a puppy like an object. It’s not pleasant.

The concept of “puppy quality” exists in facts. You find this expression in the documents of the Animal Health Foundation and in many magazines of dog Culture. The quality of a puppy is not an advertisement, but a clear and definite concept referred to the parents of the puppies and to those who breed them.

Official Radiographs for dyslasias and genetic tests, title in show and working prove, the analysis of the pedigree and the evaluation of the offspring, i.e. the selection, are as important as the socialization of the puppies, the diet and the character attitudes.

Certifications attesting and demonstrating the search for the improvement of the breed in terms of health, morphology and character.

The poor dog culture has allowed those who want to make a profit to accept as true, false concepts. Just like what a puppy with pedigree already has the highest requirements. Comfortable No?!

What is a Pedigree

The pedigree is a document attesting to the genealogy of the puppy. It reports the parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and trisgrandparents.

The pedigree also shows some information on the health and morphology of the ancestors. That is, the results of X-ray examinations for dysplasia of the hips and elbows, if its are been executed. The pedigree provides information on the morphology and character attitudes of the ancestors. That is if they have distinguished themselves in beauty show, in work proof or as reproducers, by obtaining titles.

A pedigree can be exceptional. But it can also not say anything or anything good.

Claiming that a puppy with pedigree has automatically the requirements to be a reproducer is a huge nonsense.

The pedigree is released to all the puppies children of parents with pedigree.

For example, even the puppy of two biting Lagotto Romagnolo would have his pedigree. Such lagottos if presented to a judge of the breed would lose their pedigree. Because their litters could have a character from their parents.

The pedigree is simply the minimum we can do for a puppy breed. It is prohibited by Italian law to sell purebred puppies without pedigree (D. Lgs 529/92 art. 5 comma1).

We can not ask who buys a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo to know the dogs in the pedigree. Although the breed is relatively young. What we can ask to those who buy a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy , or even of another breed is to always claim the pedigree and at the same time to look forward.

The quality of a lagotto Romagnolo puppy

The quality of a puppy is in all the virtuous actions of the breeder to get to that puppy.

  • Selection for health, morphology and character
  • Quality food, for a correct growth
  • Complete health care framework of parents. Better if you also include grandparents, genetic testing and radiographs for official Dysplasias
  • An excellent pedigree rich in champion show or champion reproduder give quality to a puppy
  • The medical care of the mother and the litter, food supplements and vermicides. Healthy and Robust puppies
  • The socialization of the puppies for balanced dogs is fundamental for the choice of a breeding

The farms, or rather the breeders determine the quality of a puppy. The selected playback, for example, is defined as an official recognition to the quality control for the greatest warranties and information. A puppy is of quality if it has complete information about health, character and morphology. The breeder was serious in assessing and making known these aspects. We will also find dogs specialized in various disciplines. There are Lagotto Romagnolo frequent frequenters of exhibitions or work tests. Everyone stands out in what they most like or think best suited to their lagotto. Without prejudice to the minimum requirements, genetic tests and X-rays to parents and socialization of the litter.

Our litters of Lagotto Romagnolo

We made these concepts our own, like some other breedings. Litters with health requirements.

Puppies of Lagotto Romagnolo from parents tested for the pathologies of the breed and radiographed for the Dysplasias.

Character Requirements and morphology

Puppies of Lagotto Romagnolo socialized, children of known parents who live in the family. Pedigree and/or the judgement of expert judges attesting to attitudes and morphology.

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a relatively young breed. Its diffusion is still very much linked to the hunter of truffles.

Luckily the crossbar is getting up. This process of growth is helped from the Lagotto Romagnolo is getting known and appreciated as a pet dog. The quality of the demands is growing too. Consequently the quality of the breeding grows. The request is no longer just for an excellent truffle dog, and that’s all. But for a dog suitable for family and children, healthy and possibly beautiful.

A quality Lagotto Romagnolo puppy, even if it sounds bad.

vendita lagotto romagnolo

When buying a Lagotto Romagnolo what considerations should we bear in mind. The selling price is certainly an important element, often dictated by market laws. The Lagotto Romagnolo is a breed of dog that is rapidly gaining popularity and its demand is constantly growing in Italy but also in Europe, USA.

However, price is not the only requirement on which to base a choice. We are looking for a life companion that will be at our side for many years. The majority of foreign families are very clear about this concept, a little less so with Italians.

Lagotto Romagnolo puppy for sale

The Lagotto Romagnolo puppy must grow up in perfect hygienic and sanitary conditions. For its character it is very important that a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy is brought up in contact with people, close to its mother and siblings. He is helped to overcome brilliantly the first fears whenever he shows signs of shyness.

 The puppy must be delivered after it has reached its 60th day of life (better 70).

It must be equipped with a microchip, health booklet and pedigree, all treatments  and passport for foreign families.

The health booklet must contain information on the state of the vaccinations and be stamped by a veterinary surgeon. The worming, better if it is written on the health booklet, must be repeated several times during the first two months of life and it is important that the stool test is negative before the vaccinations.

Certifications of exemption from hereditary diseases is another factor. In our opinion mandatory.

Buying a puppy that has been looked after from a health point of view is an investment in the future.

Buying a Lagotto puppy, followed in its character development, is just as important.

A purebred puppy is a puppy in terms of morphology and character. The sale of purebred puppies without a pedigree is forbidden by law, but above all the cost of the pedigree does not affect the selling price of a puppy.

The presence of beauty or work champions should not affect the sale price of a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy. They are important certifications of the breed’s typicality and respect for the breed’s characteristics, both morphologically and in terms of working attitude.

A serious sales contract helps to clarify the obligations of the breeder and the future owner.

Sale of adult Lagotto Romagnolo

Our kennel does not sell adult Lagotti Romagnoli. The documentation that must be provided with the dog will be the same as that of the puppy. Obviously, the character of the dog will already be fully formed as well as its physical structure.

The selling price of an adult Lagotto should be higher than that of a puppy, if only because of the higher costs incurred. In reality, even for dogs, demand often determines the price. If they are beauty champions or truffle hunters, the value of the dog can rise considerably.

When we are looking for an adult pet dog, the selling price is very likely to be lower than the selling price of a puppy. Market laws, alas!

mowgli lagotto health

Character of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The character of the Lagotto Romagnolo is exceptional. The dog’s character is to be considered an aspect of health and determined right from a puppy. Just think of the puppies that from the day they are born live in a box without having any kind of experience.

The proximity of siblings and their mother is of little use. Puppies raised in such conditions, and there are many of them, have no character development. They are psychologically depressed puppies.

Puppies that develop shyness and fears, that are not well, certainly not happy. You cannot call them healthy puppies.

Knowing the breed and also the bloodlines gives a lot of information for the management of the puppies in their growth periods.

The temperament certainly has a genetic component, but the environmental factors are much more decisive.

The breeder’s task is to raise happy puppies. The challenge is to understand what the puppy will be like as an adult. On the basis of this, we can find the best possible home for the puppy.

Lagotto Romagnolo – Breeding with health in mind

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a hardy, hardy dog. There are, however, some diseases that are typical of the breed that have an exclusively genetic component. Other diseases have a strong dependence on environmental factors that are predominant over genetic factors. I’m thinking of dysplasia.

The diet of the Lagotto Romagnolo, as in humans, is often the first cause, as are physical activity and lifestyle in general. Experience and activity in the various growth periods.

A top-quality diet and the lifestyle we offer our Lagotto dog are fundamental.

From our point of view, as we breed Lagotto Romagnolo, it is also important to make the best use of the tools that genetics provides.

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a young breed and the culture around this breed is not at the level of other breeds.

As a Labrador breeder, I am well aware of how certain breeding practices are consolidated and in demand among the breeders themselves.

Genetic examinations, X-ray results for dysplasia, annual eye examinations and more are necessary in order to be able to consider mating with a male out of your own kennel.

Providing the genetic certificates and the examinations of the parents to the future owners is common. This information is published on the breeder’s own website. A transparency that breeders give about their breeding stock and litters. Information that is also often requested by future owners or, if you prefer, customers.

Many breeders do this in Italy and certainly abroad. Information that in Italy it is not necessary to give, but that by collaborating with foreign breeders is becoming common practice.  Fortunately also for the Lagotto Romagnolo it is spreading.

In many European countries, not to mention the United States, the parents’ exemptions from certain pathologies are by law. Future owners ask for them and want to know before buying a puppy.

Clearly, this does not guarantee the health of the puppies with regard to all the possible pathologies of a dog, but there will always be a lower incidence with regard to the typical pathologies of the breed.

A lot has been done for the Lagotto Romagnolo, but we still have to do more to get on a higher level.

We are talking about a recently recovered Italian breed, which for decades was used almost exclusively as a working dog. This is the main obstacle to overcome in order to bring the Lagotto up to the level of other breeds.

I hope that soon it will no longer be enough to say: ‘my dogs are healthy’, and they all lived happily ever after.

It is the breeders’ task to make selection and improve the genetic heritage of the breed, thinking about health and character, which for us is the same thing.

It is the task of the future owners of Lagotto puppies to make selection among the breeders to raise the bar for everyone. Lagotto Romagnolo can only benefit from this.

With these words we do not want to speak ill of anyone. It is not our custom to speak ill of anyone, least of all those we do not know. We are pleased when we meet someone who thinks like us, and if we can, we collaborate calmly.

We have explained what we experience every day with our dogs and by comparing ourselves with breeders and future owners of two different breeds.

Lagotto Romagnolo: The Price of a Puppy

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a purebred dog and the price of a Lagotto puppy can also give important information about how the puppy was bred and conceived.

Bearing in mind what has just been said about the health and temperament of the Lagotto, the cost and time required to respectfully conceive and breed a litter is obvious.

Price becomes an element of choice, an index of quality, if you like. On the other hand, this is nothing new.

To see your work recognised is the least. The satisfactions are our puppies and the returns of their new owners, their new families.

And yet, even if we are talking about animals with people who love animals, the low price still misleads some people.

For those who welcome a dog into their family, the initial price of the puppy has little impact on the cost of maintaining a dog.

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a hardy dog, a breed with no particular health problems. Despite this, the cost of a healthy diet, vaccines and veterinary care in general remain a major factor in the initial price of the puppy.


The prices of a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy taken in Breeding are generally higher than the prices found on the multiple advertisements. The reason for this difference in prices must be sought in the higher costs incurred in breeding to breed conscientiously and in the respect of the puppies.

In Breeding The Puppies are children of Lagotto Romagnolo selected for health, character and morphology and aptitude for the search of the truffle. Puppies bred with the care necessary to have the maximum health and behavioral guarantees.

We, like some other farms, deliver with the puppy the certificates of genetic and radiographic examinations supported by the parents.

The difference is not only in the price of the puppy, but they are the different puppies.

Both differences we would love to be appreciated, when we talk about price Lagotto Romagnolo. The Lagotto Romagnolo owes its notoriety to the search for truffles. His ability is becoming his fortune in terms of spreading.  Today It is increasingly appreciated as a pet dog. This growing notoriety has created a lot of interest and space for occasional, improvised and often dictated by economic interest litters.


To understand how you compose the price of a puppy, you have to analyze the main costs that you claim to Breed.

  • Genetic Tests on the parents or price of the assembles if the father, the stud, rigorously tested is taken externally
  • X-Rays also and elbows
  • Ultrasound Factress at the fourth week of gestation
  • Special quality Feed for puppies to be given to the Mother since the last month of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
  • Supplements and medicines for the mare in pregnancy and lactation
  • Quality Feed for weaning puppies
  • Sverminers and vaccines and veterinary inspection visits on puppies
  • Microchip, canine Registry Register and Pedigree ENCI, of all puppies
  • Heating lamp always turned on, and washing machines even several times a day

I Definitely forgot something. These are expenses dictated by ethics and attentions that we can not even think of neglecting. Costs that those who give or sell at low prices the puppies of Lagotto Romagnolo do not get a jolt. Without thinking about quantifying the time we devote to the socialization of puppies. Another fundamental difference for puppies taken in Breeding. Those who give or sell at a bargain price a Lagotto Romagnolo must make us strong doubts.


The Price scissors, of this in fact we will have to talk, depends on many variables. The price of a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo with the papers in order and taken in a Farm that cures every aspect of the  growth of the puppy oscillates between 1900 and 2400 euros. In Addition to the costs incurred to breed the litter on the prices Lagotto Romagnolo also affects the costs of the pairs that often depend on who are the parents. Stallions or mares from the important genealogy descendants of dogs who have obtained titles in beauty exhibits or in work tests have demonstrated morphological characteristics or attitudes to the search for truffles. Characteristics that will go to their offspring. It is Not fair to pay a little more for the titles of the dogs in the pedigree, even if they are important information about the value of the puppy.

The price for a puppy is right if it is proportional to the cost incurred to breed that specific litter.

When you decide to welcome a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo in your family, you often do not realize that we will accompany us for a nice stretch of our life. The initial price of the puppy affects marginally the expenses that we will have to support for our dog. Often choosing a puppy with health requirements and bred with maximum physical and psychological care is the best choice, even economically.

Once you arrive at home with the Puppy, you appreciate the work done by those who have bred. At this point the price difference does not really have any more meaning.

The humans who like the Lagotto

The Lagotto Romagnolo is the dog suitable for you, but You are suitable for the Lagotto Romagnolo? Which are the characteristics of the owners and the family who decide  to indulge themself in the amazing friendship of a Lagotto Romagnolo.

Family composition

Number of people composing the household: there is no minimum number, from one up it always right.

Who can take care of the dog during our absence: The Lagotto is not a dog that required too commitment. Can endure a few days of relative calmness. You can rely on some familiar who already knows and who can look after it. Grandparents are often very happy to provide this service. Alternatively you can turn to Dog-Sitter that can meet the needs of movement and pampering of the Lagotto. Dog-sitters are often canine educators or have diplomas that certify their ability beyond the desire to spend hours with a dog.

Children’s presence: The Lagotto loves children, he does everything and they are excellent playmates. A particular eye should be given to the puppy if the child is still too small. It’ll be a strong friendship that will see them grow together.

Family Lifestyle

House: A garden or a large balcony facilitates the management of a dog, especially a puppy. It is not indispensable however for the Lagotto Romagnolo.

The Lagotto knows how to live in the apartment.

The Lagotto does not lose fur and also for this is a hypoallergenic dog. It doesn’t smell like a typical hunting dog. They are all elements that greatly facilitate coexistence.

Dynamism: quiet in the house and dynamic outdoors. A real funny dog. He is sufficently patience to wait for the moment of maximum fun and recreation. He loves water and a trip to the lake to the river or to the sea makes him tireless and happy.

Presence in the house other animals: the cat but also other animals do not arouse aggressive instincts in the Lagotto.

The leader of the Lagotto dog is authoritative, never authoritarian.

The management of a lagotto is very easy. The Lagotto’s innate desire to be close to his own family is often enough to create an excellent relationship based on respect and desire to do things together.

Respect: The Lagotto is very intelligent and respectful. There will be no need to repeat the same. Just be consistent and polite to grow with respect a balanced and perfectly integrated adult.

Firmness: For the Lagotto Romagnolo is not a decisive feature. Being a stationary master can help any dog in the educational process. The Lagotto is not a dog that will often ask us to have recourse to this dowry.

Dedication: Spending time with our dog improves the understanding and allows us to better understand his language and therefore his needs.

Authoritativeness: firmness, dedication and calmness, will make us an authoritative master. The ideal owner of the Lagotto is a calm person. The Lagotto who estimates his leader makes him feel a god on earth. Sorry if it is not enought!

Ability to correct mistakes: knowing how to recognize our mistakes in education is indispensable to correct them. The Lagotto will give us second chances, but if we persevere he’ll definitely take sideral distances from us by retreating into himself. We will sometimes have to change the way we relate to him and we will get completely different results. Introduce prizes and change the tone of voice or you ignore unwanted behavior when done voluntarily to attract our attentions.

Good Lagotto Romagnolo to everybody!

Genetic tests in the Lagotto Romagnolo breed

The genetic tests allow to verify the inheritance of certain pathologies. The pathologies for which the responsible gene has been identified. The puppies children of tested parents will not suffer from such pathologies. With selection and recently recovery of the breed have been fixed some pathologies in the Lagotto Romagnolo breed too. By examining the DNA of parents it is possible to understand the impact on the litter of the most common pathologies of each breed.

The DNA test is carried out with a blood sample.

The result of the DNA examination can give three possible outcomes for each individual pathology.

  • Free both alleles of the gene responsible for the disease are healthy. Healthy homozygous Gene.
  • Carrier The two alleles of the gene responsible for the disease are different. heterozygous carrier Gene.
  • Affect both alleles of the gene responsible for the disease are recessive. homozygous recessive Gene.

A dog carrier a certain pathology is a healthy dog for that pathology.

In other words, He will have no symptoms or manifestations. If he coupled with a Lagotto Romagnolo carrier too, the problem come out tangible on his offspring.

For those who couple Lagotto Romagnolo not tested the unknown is just that. The two carrier dogs candidates for coupling do not manifest the pathology, they are healthy, unfortunly in their litter the pathology will be present. Some  puppies will result AFFECTED. We can know if a dog is carrier or free only through genetic testing.

Why do we performe genetic tests?

Genetics makes available a tool to proceed with safety in the direction of the health of the puppies.

We have important certainty about the health of our puppies.

The Lagotto Romagnolo has a natural dowry as hunting-truffle, that submit the Lagotto Romagnolo breed to litters with little or even without criterion . They are mainly private or some animated by interest or alleged love of their Lagotto Romagnolo who decide to start to breed litters no criteria.

The Lagotto Romagnolo has a natural dowry as hunting-truffle, that submit the Lagotto Romagnolo breed to litters with little or even without criterion . They are mainly private or some animated by interest or alleged love of their Lagotto Romagnolo who decide to start to breed litters no criteria.

The information that gives genetic tests are not anoptional but a health guarantee for puppies. The breed pathologies and the genetic tests of the Lagotto Romagnolo are not a bogeyman. Just going to the breeding sites to see how many healthy dogs are carrier of one or another pathology. I suppose the same incidence is even in dogs not tested who have litters without this information. The real question is that genetic tests are decisive to decide the coupling of reproducers. At the end we can be sure about the health of the puppies in relationship to each genetic pathology of the breed.

Genetic tests fot the hereditary pathologies of the Lagotto Romagnolo.

  • JE Juvenile epilepsy: it manifests itself during the life of the dog with episodes ranging from agitation to paralysis.
  • LSD Lagotto Storage disease: The disease begins between 4 months and 4 years. The movement is completely uncoordinated. The disease also affects the character. Lagotto develops progressive aggression and statistics said that the carriers are 11% of Lagotto.
  • Furnishing: The pathology is presented with a mutation of the coat. It has no character or health repercussions. A Lagotto Romagnolo affected by Furnishing is not in the Standard of Lagotto Romagnolo and can not participate in show.

The cost of genetic testis and selection influence the price of the puppy. Often those who decide to adopt a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo do not know these aspects. Especially if you are looking for the first pet dog. Once given the informations present in this article, everyone appreciates to have a puppy of Lagotto Romagnolo son of parents with genetic tests.