salute lagotto romagnolo

lagotto agility dog stella

Lagotto Romagnolo Agility Dog

There are many activities we can do with our Lagotto.

Lagotto Romagnolo truffle dog, very true, but not only!

With such a versatile dog there are many activities we can do with him. Pleasant, carefree moments that strengthen friendship and complicity with one’s Lagotto.

The sport that certainly can be done with the Lagotto is Agility dog.

As early as a few years ago, a lady with one of our Lagottas had sent me a video of her and the Lagottina trying their hand at this sport.

Our Stella started doing this activity with Martina. They both come back overjoyed, relaxed and satisfied. Armed with prizes it will also be an important training session.

Lagotto Romagnolo agility dog

Where join the Agility Dog

sport with lagotto agility dog

You are sure to find dog training and agility dog centers near you. They are indoor and/or outdoor environments. So if you are lucky we can do this almost year round. The staff is usually knowledgeable and they usually combine basic training sessions.

The cost for an hour is low. Definitely worth a trial, usually free to see if we like it.

The center where Stella goes, Sporting Dog Valdisieve ASD, offers various sports, socialization and education activities.

At what age of the dog can you do agility dog.

You can certainly introduce some early exercises and equipment at a young age. However, it is good to do sports activities with a healthy Dog that has already developed its skeletal and muscular structure. Basically after the age of one year.

Lagotto Romagnolo female sterilization


A few years ago spaying the female dog was always recommended by veterinarians. It could be debated whether to do it before or after, but on whether to do it the collected opinions were always in favor of sterilization.

In our article a few years ago we had already given our views on sterilization. We had tried to provide useful information for an informed decision.

One of the main topics was on when to spay one’s dog. Our concern was mainly due to early sterilization being proposed to some of our puppy owners.

The topic is still current, in fact many of our Lagotto owners ask us for our views. I invite them to read that article.

Instead, today we wanted to write about some different indications we are getting from veterinarians.

There seems to be a real diatribe between the old school of thought and the more modern school of thought on the necessity of spaying.

In addition, it is important to choose how to spay our dog.

Should I sterilize my dog?

A few years ago, as precisely stated in the introduction, the answer was trivially YES!

Today the guidance we get from the veterinary hospital at which we serve has changed somewhat. In fact, there is no particular reason not to do it. Especially if we use modern technologies that have virtually no risk and are minimally invasive.

However, the main reason for female dog owners to have spay/neuter is somewhat dropped. That is, the risk of cancer in a female who does not reproduce regularly.

Today the guideline from veterinarians fresher than recent studies is:

The risk of tumor is really high in females who have hysterical pregnancies after heat.

The risk of cancer is virtually zero in females that do not have hysterical pregnancies.

According to this new guidance, the answer to the question of whether I should spay my dog becomes open and arguable.

Sterilization with Laparoscopy

To proceed with laparoscopic sterilization, we need to go to a Veterinary Hospital. Hardly a veterinary clinic or veterinary practice will have the equipment, which is very expensive, to do this type of surgery.

By ultrasound, it is checked if the uterus is in good condition and has no tears

If so, it does not need to be removed, one can proceed with cin laparoscopic surgery to remove the ovaries. The result for the purposes of cancer risk and cessation of heat and hysterical pregnancy is the same.

Laparoscopic surgery is generally somewhat more expensive than classical surgery. The advantages in our opinion are enormous.

Two very small cuts are made for the insertion of the probe. In contrast we will have a cut with about 13 stitches all along the abdomen.


Our last females who arrived at the end of their breeding career, 5 litters maximum in life as per code of ethics, had laparoscopic surgery.

Truly a joy. The last one was Mocha. Taken by the nurse at 2 p.m. and returned at 4 p.m. She was jumping and playing. She was happy to see me.

The dog after surgery is like she did nothing.

Do you want tocompare with Elizabethan collar, days off, difficulty in movement?!